Policing the Police…
05:03 | Posted by Censorbugbear |
SA families are becoming so unsafe in a society where the cops are becoming increasingly criminalised *and aggressive towards whites in public, that they need 911-emergency buttons on their cellphones. Families and businesses also sign up enmasse for the unique, countrywide Eblockwatch network.
Eblockwatch cellphone buddies keep in constant touch. They can also listen in and record cellphone conversations with crooked cops and armed thugs with Eblockwatch’s Policing the Police feature.
Cellphones, pitted against AK47s, R4-military assault rifles and 9mm police-issue handguns - while the SA authorities also are confiscating taxpayers’ legal arms in large numbers but leaving the vast, illegal township arsenals untouched... The SA authorities refer to this civil warfare as ‘ordinary crime’.
Families and businesses barricade themselves behind high-voltage electric fencing, burglar bars, barbed-wire across the roofs and gardens… and many family members taking turns with nightly guard-duty. White women and girls are warned not to drive alone in their cars: increasingly criminal cops reportedly pull them over and rape them. It’s all part of normal life in South Africa. The cops are becoming the criminals. Whites are targetted just because they’re white.
Source www.censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com