Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Crimes of the South African Police Service

South African Police Service Blames Legal Gun Owners

SOUTH AFRICA – -(Ammoland.com)- The SOUTH AFRICAN GUNOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION (SAGA) has taken note of the advertisement on the official South African Police Service website entitled “ILLEGAL GUNS TAKE INNOCENT LIVES”.

The advertisement states that, “the majority of these illegal guns come from legal owners who were either negligent or robbed of their gun, which ends up with the gun being used for criminal activities”.

While it is an indisputable fact that illegally possessed firearms are used in the commission of crimes, it is most unfortunate that the South African Police Service has seen fit to blame “legal owners” as being the major source of illegally possessed firearms while on their own admission the police themselves are losing more than 4,000 firearms per year.
It is further unfortunate that the South African Police Service are apparently joining ranks with organizations that are advocating a so-called “gun-free South Africa” instead of fulfilling their Constitutional responsibility of protecting the citizens of South Africa by arresting those persons responsible for committing crimes with illegally possessed firearms.
Statement issued by the SAGA Office 031-562-9951