This mornings newspaper headlines came as a breath of fresh air: “Billions more for police”! You begin to wonder if this headline concerns the latest police cash heist or if this money will be genuinely forthcoming for community policing? Perhaps citizens have lost hope having read ad nauseaum ,…”police do more now than ever before”……”Police willl not tolerate….”…..”Excellent police work brings crime down…”…”Police thwart….” …”More police deployed…”…Police get more help….”….”More police will be deployed….” ….”Police train 5000 more police…”…..Police get training in….”….”Many more police for….”….”More spent on police….”….”Police prevent…”…”Thousands of police deployed….”….Thirty thousand police added….”….More police added to ranks….”, or something to that effect. All of this of course makes me believe in a huge intellectual con, or God is really speaking.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Sufferer 26 October 2005