Saturday, March 2, 2013

Crimes of the South African Police Service

The woman in question was accompanied by a smaller version of herself. The smaller woman must have weighed in at around 95kg, with a waist of around 43, and a butt of 47. Which should tell you something about the first woman to darken our doorway.

Her arms were like genetically modified bananas, and her thighs and buttocks brought to mind a picture of a hippo that had spent too much time in a tiny enclosure, without much exercise. Her face was like a pumpkin so huge and overripe it was about to disintegrate.

What made the two women stand out was that they were members of the Joburg Metro Police. In full uniform. They proceeded to settle down for some mounds of pap and vleis.

And you can stop splitting your sides (no pun intended) right now — this is a serious matter.

Fred Khumalo, who wrote
the article the above excerpt came from, points out with a perfectly straight face, I’m sure, that this is “no laughing matter. A member of the police force should be lean and mean. When you are lean and mean, you ooze confidence and poise, like a gazelle. Or a cheetah. Always alert, and ready for action”.