No trust in Cape Town’s
police system
March 10 2014
week, police officers stripped and beat a Nigerian man in the Cape Town CBD.
The video went viral, erupting a new wave of controversy around police
do Capetonians feel about their protectors? RA’EESA PATHER reports.
Edy Nickola, Cape Flats
The police system in South Africa stinks. We
don’t trust them. We can’t go to them with a complaint because they just brush
it aside. We can’t trust them. They are there because the government put them
there. They are barbaric, they inadequate, they have no idea what it is to
serve. They are there to serve and protect, but they don’t have it at all. What
I’m seeing, that video that went viral the other day, what they did to that man
in Bree Street, that was barbaric, that was… not on at all. That gives me more
reason to think that I can’t trust them for anything. Who do we go to?