Thursday, November 17, 2011

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Police anti-white racist attack against Van Wyk family, Dec 25 2010, Brits – Van Wyk couple dumped in Brits SAPS cells, racially abused, threatened with rape:

Statement by Brits Freedom Front Plus councillor Elsa Lourens
On December 25 2010 Jaco van Wyk, his wife Mona, their three children and adult family friend Lee Mark left their home at Sonop to spend the day together for a family Christmas outing. They didn’t have an inkling that the Van Wyk parents would be dumped in the Brits SAPS cells at 6pm that evening, racially abused by crude-mouthed black police officers in front of their small children - and the father threatened with gang-rape in the holding cells.

Freedom Front plus councillor Elsa Lourens – who spent many hours trying to get the arrested Afrikaans couple released from the Brits police cells – has issued a detailed statement with visual evidence. After her intervention, the Brits police dropped the charges against the couple. However the party has initiated proceedings to lodge formal charges against the police- and traffic-officials involved in the incident. Ms Lourens condemned the racist abuse this defenceless family was targetted with by government officials. She released evidence in the form of pictures and video material taken of the incidents.

Know your Rights

The Freedom Front Plus says they have received a stream of complaints of racist-abuse and police-aggression against their electorate this season - and today posted a statement on their Facebook page, ‘Know your Rights” , in Afrikaans. VIEW THE VIDEO on the FREEDOM FRONT PLUS FACEBOOK PAGE