Friday, April 6, 2012

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Outraged ratepayers demand convicted drug-trafficker health-director Sheryl Cwele be fired;

Aug 31 2011 – The Drug-trafficking-convicted Hibiscus Coast health-director Sheryl Cwele has been dismissed from her position as director of health – without pay — in response to a massive petition lodged by the community from May 12 2011. Journalist Judi Davis recorded that within 24 hours, more than 200 Hibiscus Coast residents in KZN signed a petition objecting to the suspension of their local health-director Sheryl Cwele on full pay – after she was convicted of drug-trafficking. Uvongo Community Safety Forum members believe that her suspension undermined their fight against crime. “We know for sure many housebreak incidents can be linked to drug addiction. Criminals often earn their income for drug buying through theft,” said chairman Ernest Booysen.—say-outraged-ratepayers

Cwele, the Hibiscus Coast Municipality’s health director, received a 12-year prison sentence in the Pietermaritzburg High Court for drug trafficking the previous Friday: but she was still out on bail and still not jailed: instead, the high-level ANC-leader was granted leave to appeal, and the following Tuesday the municipal announced that she would keep her full pay while she was ‘suspended as health-director’. This has infuriated many Hibiscus Coast ratepayers, who believe she should have been fired outright.

“As a ratepayer, I object in the strongest possible terms to Director Cwele, a convicted drug trafficker, remaining in the employment of the municipality,” said Uvongo resident Mike Thom. “I have lost a niece who overdosed on drugs. There are surely many on the South Coast who have children at school and who are concerned about drugs,” he added. He has circulated the petition, protesting against her suspension. It reads as follows: “If you object to Sheryl Cwele, a convicted drug trafficker, being suspended on full pay by the Hibiscus Coast Municipality and want her fired or jailed, then please sign.” Those who have signed the petition have added their comments. Many have questioned her fitness for her post and have called for her to be jailed. “I hate drugs!” wrote one signee.“What about our children?” asked another. Mr Booysen has urged Hibiscus Coast residents who feel strongly about the matter to voice their opinions by writing to local newspapers. “If there is an overwhelming response in the media, we might influence our municipality not to keep convicted criminals in their employment,” he said.—say-outraged-ratepayers