Sunday, February 1, 2015

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Just Asking
If I’m unreasonable to think something’s not right?

If you’ve had two oncoming buses swerve into your lane to miss you at the last second on two different occasions (a serious warning)

A police mortuary van pulling up opposite me at a traffic light

If you’ve had a police vehicle park on you pavement outside your house for half an hour but speed off  when you approach

If you’ve had two good friends loose their computers in a robberies, and your attorney had his computers stolen at home in a break in, including having the hard drive disappear from your old computer at work

If  you’ve had  French rings on your phone at home when you are there, and on holiday     

If you’ve had hand gun cartridges left on the work - place desks which you use

If you’ve had what looks like a ammunition cartridge with a small note attached to your side view mirror on your vehicle which says, “this ones for you”

If you’ve discovered a plastic bag with a knot tied so it remained jammed next to the exhaust pipe running next to the petrol tank of your sons car (discovered while doing an oil change)

No need to take it out on my family...

I invite you to do your worst