Sunday, February 9, 2020

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Is this how Black South African Police Service treat a Woman for talking on her Cell Phone while Driving?

Just Asking!

South AFRICAN Police need'nt bother explaining, the South African Police Service are infamous for BRUTALITY . If they said the sun was shining we would check out their BS first!

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Man’s hijacking terror ride with alleged Metro cop
Man allegedly threatened and assaulted by Metro cop.
Yoshini Perumal | 29 July 2014 11:42
Pic: Tuscola Today

An Umhlanga businessman was allegedly hijacked and taken on a ride of terror by five men recently, one of whom was wearing a reflector jacket and a Metro Police cap. Madhavan Govender, 42, was travelling on Umhlatuzana Road in Seaview, when the incident occurred.
Since then, a Metro police officer is believed to have been arrested. It is alleged that a marked Metro police vehicle, a quantum that was parked at the scene with three men dressed in ‘muftis’ surrounding it, pulled Govender over. He was questioned about his driver’s license which he handed to the alleged metro policeman. Govender was told to step out of his vehicle by the alleged Metro police officer who told him his license had expired. The officer then assaulted Govender and got into his vehicle with the other three men. The ‘officer’ pointed a firearm at him and tied his hands.

The three men then searched Govender and asked where he resided. Fearing the safety of his family, Govender lied about his residence. The men seemed to have significant information about Govender, interrupting him and telling him not to lie as he lives in Umhlanga and that he was a businessman. He was constantly questioned about his bank pin and was threatened that if it was incorrect, they would stab him. They drove to Chesterville, where Govender’s bank card was used to withdraw R1, 000. The suspects continued on their terror ride with Govender, taking him to Umhlanga. He then noticed that they were carrying a black device with antennas. They informed the terrified man that they were going to his house. As they were travelling, he realised they were heading to his house and at no stage did he give them any directions.

Nearing his abode, the men then informed him that there were too many people in his house. The armed men also said they were going to rape his family. He was continuously questioned about the security, panic alarm button and guards at his house. When he informed them that there’s no safe at his residence but one at his place of business, they proceeded to the premises. The men tied up the security guard and placed him in Govender’s vehicle. The suspects took the keys from the receptionist’s drawer and the pin number of the safe and removed the cash.

Govender was then instructed to lie flat on the floor while the men fled the scene. He ran outside screaming for the security official. ADT members were already at the scene and the cut the cable ties. The police were contacted and the description of the vehicle was circulated via radio control. Through tracker, the police tracked the vehicle in Cato Manor, where the vehicle was recovered. A man was arrested by the K9 Unit. An amount of R106, 000 was taken from Govender’s safe. W/O Derek Freddy Vijiam, communications officer at Bellair SAPS, confirmed the incident. “A case of hijacking and theft had been opened and police are investigating the case,” he said.

Crimes of the South African Police Service

International police expert criticises Marikana operation
27 Jun 2014 13:44   

Gabi Falanga

An international policing expert, Gary White, says there were major problems with Marikana's planning, intelligence, and command and control.


Crimes of the South African Police Sevice

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Police Brutality in South Africa

colonel Mzimkulu Hardy , a former station commander, who has also been the topic of much controversial speculation and allegations, resigned from the police on February 22. A familiar phrase from Colonel Tembinkosi Kinana, SAPS commander of Media Communications: "Regarding the allegations made against him, the SAPS would not like to give comment on internal investigations that are taking place against a member."

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Update: Knysna Sergeant arrested
14:03 (GMT+2), Tue, 19 March 2013

sergeant who was arrested for attempted murder and theft on Saturday evening, appeared in the Knysna Magistrates’ court this morning.

His case was postponed to 4 April 2013 for a bail application.

Benjamin Theunissen - off-duty at the time - allegedly shot a 42-year-old man in the chest with a firearm that was stolen earlier the same evening from the Knysna Police station.

Read more in Thursday's Knysna-Plett Herald, and online.

Crimes of the South African Police Service

In this Police State we find ourselves in, needing protection from both the violent criminal drug addicts AS WELL AS the SAPS and other 'law enforcement officers':

Please add this number as a Whatsapp contact, so that you can contact them should you find yourself being arrested illegally, or on the receiving end of Police brutality.


Crimes of the South African Police Service

Polisielede van Knysna voor ná man se dood

Twee polisiebeamptes en ’n polisiereservis van hier is in hegtenis geneem nadat ’n verdagte in aanhouding gesterf het.

Die spanning was gister tasbaar in die landdroshof hier waar twee van die drie vlugtig voor landdros L.C. Ndomo verskyn het.

Talle van hul kollegas het die hofverrigtinge saam met familielede gevolg.

Twee manlike polisielede is Woensdag...aand en ’n reservis gisteroggend in hegtenis geneem in verband met die dood van mnr. Tom Meyer van Rheenendal.

Besonderhede was gister skraps. Nie die staat of die verdediging het teen gistermiddag die dossier onder oë gehad nie.

Meyer is die naweek in Rheenendal weens die besit van dwelms in hegtenis geneem.

Meyer het konst. Christopher Moos (beskuldigde 1) na bewering met ’n mes in die arm gesteek tydens ’n worsteling wat ontstaan het toe eersgenoemde hom na bewering teëgesit het.

Beskuldigde 2 (wie se naam nie genoem mag word nie omdat hy in die hospitaal was en nie kon verskyn nie) en beskuldigde 3, reserviskonst. Clint van Rooyen, het Moos na bewering gehelp om Meyer by die polisiekantoor hier agter uit die polisievoertuig te laai.

Beskuldigde 2 het Woensdagaand ná sy inhegtenisneming in die polisieselle siek geword en is in die hospitaal hier opgeneem.

Hy was gister nog in afsondering en onder polisiebewaking in die hospitaal.

Mnr. Daan Derksen, wat vir beskuldigde 2 verskyn, het versoek dat die saak tot 11 Maart uitgestel word vir ’n borgtogaansoek.

Derksen het die versoek ook namens mnr. John Gillespie, wat vir Moos optree, gerig. Gillespie was elders besig met werksaangeleenthede.

Van Rooyen het gister om regshulp aansoek gedoen. Me. Henriëtte Breedt kla aan namens die staat.
Omdat polisielede betrokke is, word die saak deur die Onafhanklike Klagtedirektoraat onder leiding van mnr. Gavin Meyer ondersoek. Die twee beskuldigdes bly in aanhouding in die gevangenis hier. Dit was gister nie duidelik wanneer beskuldigde 2 uit die hospitaal ontslaan sal word nie.

Crimes of the South African Police Service

SA Police Service murder reaches CNN

If we do nothing this will get worse!

Last September
Lee Anne Douglas was killed by police while attempting to drive to police station because she was afraid to pull over for an unmarked police car. This story has now been shown to the world on Ame...rican CNN. Lee Anne was asked by a police woman to pay a R6000.00 bribe which Lee Anne refused to pay. What happened after that can only be described as horrific. The following is a sequence of events...

• Lee Anne bumped into a neighbour's motor scooter and that neighbour filed charges. The charges were dismissed however a police woman demanded a bribe of R6,000 anyway

• Police woman shows up at Lee Anne's home and arrests her without a warrant or reason to be at Mrs Douglas’s home. Female officer allegedly assaults Lee Anne Douglas

• Lee Anne is held by police for three days and released without charge

• Police woman again demands bribe of R6,000 from Lee Anne in which Lee Ann refuses to pay.

• Lee Ann reports officers involved and lays charges off false arrest and bribery against police

• Police woman attempts to rip Lee Ann out of her drivers side window. Lee Ann flees from police woman

• Police in an unmarked police car attempt to stop Lee Ann. The first reason they give for trying to stop her is because she ran a red light, later the reason is changed to erratic driving then yet again it is changed to suspicion of drunk driving

• Police shoot at Lee Ann's car even though they are aware that there is a roadblock ahead only a few kilometres

• Lee Ann's car flips and ejects Lee Ann. Police officers fail to render aid to the dying victim and immediately attempt to come up with a cover story in which they have the car dragged 50 meters from the accident scene. Police further attempt to cover up the crime by omitting the fact that they fired upon the car. “When the vehicle was towed away, the station commander noticed bullet holes in the vehicle and he called the suspects and tried to get clarity – they could not give a reasonable explanation for the shooting,” 

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Racism Officially Legal in the

The Constitutional Court, or Con Court as it will now be known as, has ruled that discrimination is more important than merit regarding the promotion of officers in the SAPS. You can read my view of this at ‘DA Fails Us Whities Again’. Here is the media release and the full judgement:


Crimes of the South African Police Service

Drug Dealers Tipped Off by Knysna SAPS?

Some of the vehicles hid around the corner in Rawson’s Street

There will no chance at defeating crime in Knysna until the SAPS roots out corruption in its ranks. There have only been two times that i haven’t seen the heavy drug dealers in Grey Street and both times that was because the cops were about to raid.

Only half an hour earlier, i saw the dealers having a merry conversation and blocking the pavement as normal but then they were suddenly gone.

Good cops arrest bad cops – that should become the Knysna SAPS’ motto!

Later that afternoon, the cops were back to check the Rastas fruit stands for dagga, undoubtedly hoping to increase their drug arrest statistics whilst doing nothing to stop real drugs in Knysna.

Crimes of the South African Police Service

6 South African policemen from Douglasdale police station pulled this girl over on the road, kicked, punched and mace-sprayed her then threw her in jail on 5 counts - all of which were overthrown in court later. Thanks Frances Melisaa Delvare for sharing your story! - seejpeg.

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Just posted these to the CNN newsroom on Twitter:

@CNNnewsroom Women are living in fear of the police raping them in Johannesburg South Africa
7 seconds ago

Crimes of the South African Police Service

the homeless man had gone to Bellville police station looking for shelter, when he was forced into a room in the back and raped.

I'm speechless!

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Is it being suggested these are “Bogusssss” Police!

Woman Gang Raped By Men Dressed As Police Officers
Police are investigating the gang rape of a woman by a group of men who posed as police officers in the Southern Cape.
The incident occurred near Glentana at the weekend.
It’s understood that the woman was travelling in her car on the R102 near Glentana on Saturday evening when she was pulled over by what looked like an official police vehicle.
Four men dressed in what appeared to be South African Police Service (SAPS) uniforms approached her vehicle.
The 51-year-old was then handcuffed, blindfolded and repeatedly raped. She was also robbed. No arrests have been made.