South African court tries to mum Sunday Independent newspaper
Tamas S. Kiss, Budapest Report
Saturday, October 30th, 2010

The minister of police, national commissioner and divisional commissioner of crime intelligence of the Republic of South Africa have reportedly convinced the nation’s high court late Friday (29 Oct 2010) to stop the Sunday Independent newspaper from publishing information about dodgy appointments within the crime intelligence division, the periodical announced in a statement late Saturday (30 Oct 2010).
They added that it allegedly took the alleged biased Judge Ephriaim Makgoba “minutes” to rule on the application in the absence of the publication’s legal advisers. Under the censorship ruling the Sunday Independent has been gagged from publishing a follow-up story of alleged nepotism among top South African policemen, under the direct influence of the ruling African National Congress (ANC).
Reportedly the publication was ordered to submit all documents concerning the investigated police discrepancies and pay for the legal costs incurred. Ironically the South African Parliament has not yet passed its planned Protection of Information Bill or Media Censorship Bill, which is currently under discussion by a committee there. However it seems that the committee has not yet defined what “classified information” implies.
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Posted by Andrea Muhrrteyn at 10/31/2010 04:59:00 PM*%20Crime%3A%20Police%20*%20Gov