Sunday, May 19, 2013

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Refuting the effectiveness of the ANC police

The communist aligned ANC fought a vicious struggle to ascend to power in 1994. This communist struggle resulted in the deaths of twenty thousand people in black on black violence, that is,  between those who did the ANC’s bidding and those who did not wish to be ruled by them.

There were also whites who died in black on white violence, for example the St James Church massacre in Cape Town, all this against the Geneva conventions.

The attrition rate the year the ANC came to power in 1994 was approximately 17900 deaths per year, which includes those who have died in South African Police Service detention. This means that using a conservative calculation South Africa has lost over two hundred and fifty thousand civilians while under by the ANC in so called “peace time”.

The ANC government has tried very hard to keep these sobering statistics from the International community but they are freely available and can be gleaned from United Nation files, and other Human Rights organisations and activist websites.

The ANC ‘South African Police Service’ are claiming a decrease in crime statistics over the last few years due to proactive police work,  but we show that they are neither the sole reason behind a reduction in crime, if it is indeed happening, neither are  they good examples of law and order, as a brief perusal of the documentation provided shows. They play indeed a minor role in the combating and reduction of crime.

The general population of South Africa has invested heavily in tackling the crime issues for which they receive neither tax benefits or incentives by this government to do so, yet barriers which were hardly necessary before 1994. Remember that the security industry is one of the fastest growing and most lucrative industries in South Africa. Why?

The means used to tackle crime, as a replacement of the ANC ‘South African Police Service’ are:

Registered Armed Reaction companies

Licenced armed citizenry when this is allowed by the ANC police

Continuous crime bulletins

Private detectives when the ANC police cannot make headway in cases

Neighbourhood watches as a means of defence

CPF activity for which no payment is received

Anti-crime business initiatives

Private sector provision of vehicles for SAPS work

Private sector servicing of police vehicles at no charge

Domestic installation of Electric fences, alarm systems, dogs, security gates etc.

The use of the ANC police as a very last resort if they are available

What is never considered or added to the crime statistics are the ever escalating Human Life Violations committed by the ANC ‘South African Police Service’ itself. The statistics of these Human Rights violators are again freely available to the international community.

The ANC police have already paid a staggering 5.5 Billion rand in law suites for crimes which range from rape, theft, criminal syndication, murder, brutality, murder of civilians in detention, and mass murder of protesters. In our view the very Human Rights violations the ANC and their police wish to deny (see anti-information bill).
