Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Pretoria cop arrested in armed robbery

Pretoria-Central police station’s law court orderly arrested after an armed robbery in Erasmia…

Apr 14 2009 -- Fanie van Rooyen of Beeld newspaper reports that a police officer who works at the Pretoria-Central police station was arrested minutes after he was spotted running away with two other armed men after they had attacked a woman and her child at her home in Theron Street, demanding money.

The cop was arrested by two neighbours across the street after he and two armed men had just fled from trying to rob the family at 9am. Captain Tessa Jansen said the owner of the attacked home was attacked when she was inside with her child and a housekeeper.

Builders were working at the house - and thus when the men knocked on the door, the woman had opened the door and was immediately held at gunpoint.
• The men pushed the woman and her child into a bedroom, demanding money. However she grabbed her child, rushed off, locked herself into a bathroom and then started screaming loudly for help from the barred bathroom window.
The robbers then ran off - however a neighbour's 16-year-old son spotted one man running away after hearing the woman's cries for help, and chased after him, immediately joined by an adult family member.

The two males grabbed the escaping alleged robber and sat down on top of him, waiting for the armed-reaction unit which the victim had alerted with an emergency button.

The arrested man, who had two handguns with him when arrested, told armed-response security guards, who had been the first to respond to the emergency call, that 'he was being falsely accused by the community, that he was a cop.'
Captain Jansen said he was taken to Erasmia police station, where he was arrested after police questioned everyone concerned. Also arrested was the victim's housekeeper - after it was found by the police that she knew one of the three robbers.
• The other two are still at large, but police have meanwhile brought the policeman and the housekeeper up for charges, and they will appear in the Atteridge magistrate's court on Thursday, April 16.