Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Two-year-old Afrikaans toddler ARRESTED with dad Jaco Roux, driven at high speed in back of police van to court for not wearing seat belt

What the hell is wrong with metro-cops? Dumping a 2-yr-old toddler in the back of a high-speed van?
The child and his father were rushed to court in the back of a high-speed metro police van, writes LookLocal journalist Gerhardt Theron.

RANDBURG - 15 Aug 2012. Jaco Roux said he was arrested at a road block at the Joburg International Airport on July 30 "for an outstanding fine and for not wearing a seat belt."

Roux and hi small son, as well as other offenders, were put in the back of various metro police vehicles and rushed to the traffic court in Long Street.

“The officers put on their sirens and raced to the court without stopping at stop signs or red lights. I could not understand why,” Roux said.

When EXPRESS asked Mr Vusi Mabanga, metro police spokesman, why officers had to rush these offenders to the court, he said he had no idea.

“This is a good question. They (the offenders) have already been arrested. I see no reason for this,” Mabanga said.

An official query has been lodged with the metro police and comment will be published as soon as it has been received.

Roux says his son now hides every time he sees police or metro police vehicles.

