Posted by wickedmike on Apr 23, 2013
I was having breakfast at
Oldes, on the corner of Grey Street and Trotter Street, on Sunday, April 7 2013
when i noticed that 2 Knysna SAPS vans
had been parked, almost hidden, for a long period behind Checkers. Later, 2
cops emerged with several packets of groceries in hand, more than a breakfast,
and then continued to sit with doors open.
Since when can official
police vehicles be used for private shopping?
Why i object to such
behaviour is because there have been numerous
reports of vehicles not been available when a crime has been reported.
It happened to me with the knife attack i witnessed at the Knysna Waterfront. Last week it happened to a business owner i know who caught the
criminal who’d robbed him earlier in the day.
Knysna cops remain shit
cops who care little about duty or the public they are suppose to protect. The
parade of Colonels in and out of the Knysna police station does little to
inspire confidence in them.