Saturday, March 15, 2014

Crimes of the South African Police Service

Afrikaans family Alledgedly cursed as ‘racists’ spit at by 8 black cops
Pretoria metro-cops force Afrikaans family off the road, threaten to clobber a 13-year-old Afrikaans boy, spit at the family, screaming they are ‘racists’

Marais family: Video clip scene of when the were forced off the road - Sept 21, 2011

Sept 22 2011 – In Pretoria, the notorious “Tshwane” Metro Police have threatened to hit him, and spat in the face of 13 year old Afrikaner schoolboy Johan Marais — after the child had merely waved at them – warning them that the police-vehicle was driving against the traffic on a one-way off-ramp of the N1 highway.

The vehicle in which the 13 year old Johan Marais was traveling, was entering the N1 highway when a white Toyota Condor came driving against the traffic from the highway. Johan says he gestured with his hands at them pointing out that they were driving the wrong way. The Condor then chased the Afrikaner family and seven black men and 1 woman emerged from the same vehicle all dressed in Metro police uniforms. One of them pushed a finger against the 13-year-old child’s head and said ‘I’ll f***** moer you’ (I’ll f***ng hit you). The black police officers called the Afrikaner family ‘all racists who have no respect for black people’. 

They also pulled the child from the vehicle and throughout pointed their fingers at him. (In black-African culture, pointing fingers at people indicates that you want them dead. It’s a very threatening gesture). His 15 year old sister recorded a part of the incident on her cellphone. The video clip was removed from Youtube but Mr. Nic Calagero of the “counter corruption” unit said the “officers” will be identified by the videoclip. 

“If anybody contravened the law, I will charge them” “Tshwane” Metro Police are already notorious for assaulting and threatening white motorists with many previous incidents. Recently it was also reported that the Police “chief” was driving a motorcar and a Harley Davidson motorcycle with false registration plates. He has yet to be charged.