Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crimes of the South African Police Service


During a recent Mission to Mpumalanga, I heard a number of remarkable testimonies of the crime and corruption which is afflicting this country.
Combine Harvester Stolen
A wheat farmer came back from a couple of days travel to find that his combine harvester had been stolen. Without this one million Rand machine, he would not be able to bring in the wheat harvest. But what would any criminal want with a combine harvester? Other than a wheat farmer, who could even use such a machine?
Partners in Crime
When the farmer reported this at the charge office of the local Police Station, the constable on duty handed him a slip of paper and said, here are my bank details. Once you have deposited R60,000 into it, I will see that your machine is returned. The farmer was staggered at the brazenness of this policeman who obviously was well aware of the crime and a partner in it.
As it so happened, there was a police Colonel standing next to the farmer at the time. Although, no one would have recognised that fact because he was in civilian clothes. The officer produced his police identity card and arrested the constable on the spot.
Yet God is at Work
This officer informed the farmer that the corruption throughout the country and even throughout the police force was pandemic. Yet, he pointed, God is still at work. Some time ago, without any authorisation, a police vehicle left a station in Pretoria. It drove towards Durban carrying illicit goods. Completely unrelated, another police vehicle left a station in Durban and headed North, also without authorisation. Its boot was stacked full with illegal drugs. Inexplicably, both vehicles collided in a head-on collision, midway between Pretoria and Durban! The odds against something like that happening must be staggering.
During a recent Mission to Mpumalanga, I heard a number of remarkable testimonies of the crime and corruption which is afflicting this country.
Combine Harvester Stolen
A wheat farmer came back from a couple of days travel to find that his combine harvester had been stolen. Without this one million Rand machine, he would not be able to bring in the wheat harvest. But what would any criminal want with a combine harvester? Other than a wheat farmer, who could even use such a machine?
Partners in Crime
When the farmer reported this at the charge office of the local Police Station, the constable on duty handed him a slip of paper and said, here are my bank details. Once you have deposited R60,000 into it, I will see that your machine is returned. The farmer was staggered at the brazenness of this policeman who obviously was well aware of the crime and a partner in it.
As it so happened, there was a police Colonel standing next to the farmer at the time. Although, no one would have recognised that fact because he was in civilian clothes. The officer produced his police identity card and arrested the constable on the spot.
Yet God is at Work
This officer informed the farmer that the corruption throughout the country and even throughout the police force was pandemic. Yet, he pointed, God is still at work. Some time ago, without any authorisation, a police vehicle left a station in Pretoria. It drove towards Durban carrying illicit goods. Completely unrelated, another police vehicle left a station in Durban and headed North, also without authorisation. Its boot was stacked full with illegal drugs. Inexplicably, both vehicles collided in a head-on collision, midway between Pretoria and Durban! The odds against something like that happening must be staggering.
Read more…………..
Dr. Peter Hammond
Africa Christian Action
An audio CD: Combatting Corruption with Integrity by Dr. Peter Hammond is available from Christian Liberty Books, PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, tel: 021-689-7478  FREE 021-689-7478 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, email: admin@christianlibertybooks.co.za and website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za.
Africa Christian Action
PO Box 23632
7735 Cape Town
South Africa
Tel: 021-689 4481 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 
FREE 021-689 4481 end_of_the_skype_highlighting