Friday, February 6, 2015

Crimes of the South African Police Service

9mm Parabellum SAPS pistol toting "gentleman" with four or five companions……

Thursday, 28 October 2010
Oh well, it had to happen.

On Tuesday night 12 October I was greeted in my drive-way by a 9mm Parabellum SAPS pistol toting "gentleman" with four or five companions.

I was held hostage for two hours in my home while they removed what they wanted from the house and loaded it into my car which they also took. Being very productive (as all criminals are when it comes to illegal activity) they even removed the tracking device from the vehicle before leaving the scene.

At one stage one of the youngish robbers got so nervous I thought he would shoot me by accident so I patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, it will be fine". The power of self conviction.

It was only when they pulled the phone out of the wall that I knew that they would not kill me. It was a long two hours.

The main gangster, before locking me in the study, told me that my story was a sad one. A mystifying statement that was motivated, I think, from the fact that they knew that I live alone with no wife or family and no servant.

He was very polite, saying, when he left, "Good Bye".

The strangest part of the whole issue was that, over and above the R200K's worth of valuables, they also took my dishwasher and frying pan! Can you believe it?

The sad bit is that 37 years worth of BSAP research was stolen with my computers, including my back up hard drive. If I didn't know otherwise I would have said it was a CIO or NIA hit.

Being stuck with no cell phone communications, an intermittent Telkom service and no car was like being in a time warp - 100 years ago. I know now, to some extent, how life was for my grand and great-grand parents.

I hope this year will get better, so far it has been a bitch.

John Victimus

Now if all robbers would be this professional, wouldn't our country already be a better place?